Need to know

It can be a little scary starting anything new so we thought we would put a little guide together to help you navigate the start of your journey.

  1. Titan Store: where you can pick up your team t-shirt (to wear during all classes) and any other gear that you will need. Feel free to try things on so you get a comfortable fit.

  2. First class: Try and arrive a little early so you can have a look around, introduce yourself to your class mates and instructors as these are the people that will be helping you out on your journey and vice versa. Come with an open mind and most importantly enjoy yourself! If you have any questions then feel free to ask your instructor, they will be coming around to help students out throughout the class.

  3. You are always welcome at the gym: if you would like to watch another class that you are thinking about taking then come along and check it out, talk to the instructors ( before or after class ) and our reception team.

  4. Specific goals: that you want to achieve such as; become a fighter, train for an event, lose weight, put on muscle then we have the facilities and expertise to help you. Feel free to talk to any of the staff about your needs.

  5. What’s the happs: Stay tuned to this website and our Facebook page to find out whats going, all latest news will be shown here that is specific to your classes.

02 / Gym Etiquette

  • Be hygienic at all times, wear deodorant & shower before class, don’t be that stinky person that no one wants to roll with

  • Always wear Titanz MMA Gym approved uniform during class ( No uniform, no training.

  • Never wear bare feet outside of the mats

  • Keep the mat area tidy, store your bag & shoes neatly

  • No shoes on the mat

  • All cellphones off during class, you can insta your latest move after class is over.

  • Always be on time for class, if you are late then wait on the side of the mats until your instructor welcomes you on

  • Bow before entering the mat

  • Always keep your nails short

  • No swearing, belching or passing wind anywhere in the gym

  • No talking while instructor shows techniques

  • Long hair must be tied up

  • No jewellery on the mats

  • Be polite, leave your ego at the door & have fun!